Managing your finances can be challenging with bills, inflation, and daily expenses, but it’s essential for reaching your goals and aspirations.
Imagine a Better Life – sending your child to their dream school, pursuing your passions after retirement, and indulging your wanderlust. All these can be within your reach if you start taking proactive steps now to protect and save for your future. The sooner you start, the closer you are to achieving these goals!
We can help you realize your long-term financial goals. Manulife's life and savings insurance plans offer different ways to help you save and grow your money, while staying protected.
Start your journey towards a Better Life, today.
A savings insurance plan (as known as Life and Savings Insurance Plan) is a financial product that combines the benefits of life insurance and savings plan in one package. It provides individuals life coverage while also growing their savings. Some schemes allow policyholders to allocate a portio n o f their savings premium towards investments, which can yield potential returns over time.
A life and savings insurance plan provides financial security by offering life coverage, ensuring that your loved ones are protected in the event of your untimely demise. It helps to maintain their standard of living and meet financial obligations.
A life and savings insurance plan plays different roles in your life milestones.
A life and savings insurance plan allows you to set aside a portion of your income as the premium. Depending on the plan, it may allocate part of it towards investment, which potentially grow your savings over time.
A life and savings insurance plan with life coverage often offers tax benefits. Contributions made towards the plan may be tax deductible, providing you with potential tax savings.
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