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Retirement Plans

Your life later depends on the plans you build today.

How do you picture your retirement years? For many, retirement may seem like a far-off future. But it’s nearer than you think and it’s crucial that you start planning for it today. Do you want to explore your passions, fulfill more dreams and continue living independently even when you retire? These are all possible - if you are able to start saving now and grow your wealth.

Having a retirement plan and setting multiple sources of income to support your way of life can help you live a comfortable and financially independent life down the road.


Save smarter. Live better. Retire ready.

There’s no better time than now to start planning and preparing for the future you want. With Manulife retirement plans, you can achieve financial independence and pursue your passions later in life just as you would today.


Save for your retirement so you can make the most of the next stage of your life's journey.

  • Automatic fund management to maximize your returns
  • Rewards for paying on-time, paying more & staying loyal
  • Life insurance to secure your loved ones
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Savings and Retirement

Embrace freedom in your golden years with the security of guaranteed savings and life protection.

  • Option to accumulate guaranteed payout to grow your fund
  • Guaranteed lump-sum cash benefit upon plan maturity
  • Guaranteed life insurance coverage

Learn more about how you can start a retirement plan.​

A retirement plan (also known as retirement insurance) is a long-term savings tool that you contribute to during your working years. The money you save in your retirement insurance plan is invested in financial products with the aim of increasing your retirement fund over time. ​

It is vital for anyone who wants to secure their financial future and maintain a comfortable lifestyle in their golden years. Here are key benefits to start saving for retirement today:​

  • Build up your retirement savings gradually​

A retirement plan allows you to accumulate savings gradually throughout your working years. Regular contributions to your plan can help you build a substantial retirement fund.​

  • Grow your retirement fund with smart investment options​

Retirement plans typically offer various investment options, such as stocks or mutual funds, that can help grow your retirement fund. These investment options offer the potential for higher returns, ensuring your money works harder for you. ​

  • Enjoy regular income after retirement​

One of the key benefits of having a retirement plan is getting regular income during your retirement. This income acts as a safety net, covering your daily expenses, medical bills, and any unexpected costs that may arise. ​

  • Take advantage of tax benefits

Many retirement plans come with tax benefits, such as tax-deferred growth or tax-deductible contributions. These tax advantages can help you maximize your savings and lower your tax liability, allowing you to keep more of your hard-earned money. ​

  • Receive Life Insurance Coverage

Some retirement insurance plans, like those offered by Manulife, include life insurance coverage as part of their package. This means that in the unfortunate event of your death, your loved ones will receive a death benefit, ensuring their financial security. ​

There are several popular retirements plans in the market. Here are the 2 key options you may consider:​

  • Retirement Savings Plans: Retirement savings plans are an excellent way to grow your retirement fund. These plans allow you to contribute a portion of your income regularly, which is then invested to grow over time. You can enjoy the benefits of compounding interest, tax benefits, and the flexibility to choose your investment options. ​

  • Pension Plans: A pension plan is an employer-sponsored retirement plan that provides a fixed income during your retirement years. The amount you receive typically depends your employee policy, based on your salary and the number of years you have contributed to the plan, which you have less flexibility to control the amount of contribution. ​

Retirement planning is a crucial step towards financial security in your golden years. A key factor in securing a comfortable retirement is careful planning and choosing the right retirement plan that suits your needs. Here are some tips to help you invest wisely for your retirement:​

  • Assess your goals and timeline. Evaluating your retirement goals and the time you have until retirement. It will guide you in selecting the most appropriate retirement plan. ​

  • Understand different retirement plans. Get familiar with the various retirement plans available in the market. Each plan has its own benefits and limitations, so it's important to understand how they work, and which one aligns with your financial objectives. ​

  • Evaluate your risk tolerance. Retirement plans can vary in terms of investment risk and return. It's crucial to assess your risk tolerance and choose an investment strategy accordingly.​

  • Seek professional advice. Consulting with a financial advisor can provide valuable insights into retirement planning. ​

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your retirement plan as your circumstances change is essential. By selecting the right retirement plan that fits your needs, you can pave the way for a financially secure and enjoyable retirement.​

People wonder when  the best time to start a retirement plan is.

The answer is simple - the earlier, the better. Starting early allows you to take full advantage of compounding, giving your investments time to grow and ultimately resulting in a larger retirement fund.. A retirement plan is a crucial tool for ensuring your financial future and enjoying a worry-free retirement.

At Manulife, we offer a range of retirement solutions designed to meet your needs, providing you with peace of mind and a comfortable retirement lifestyle. Take the first step toward a comfortable retirement by planning your future today!​

Learn more about how you can live a secure and protected life.

Want to learn more about Manulife Retirement Plans?

Talk to a financial advisor today

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