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About me


I was a flight attendant before becoming a Manulife financial adviser. That career allowed me to experience different cultures and showed me so many fascinating destinations and attractions. But as a trade-off, I was away from my family most of the time.


In 2012, I decided to join Manulife. My greatest achievement so far is that I was able to balance work and family life. I’m now able to live in the present with people important to me and do well as a financial adviser.


My advocacy is to reach as many people as possible and share the importance of proper financial planning. I am motivated to share how financial planning is the key to solidifying their dreams for their families, provide dignity in old age, cushion financial distress in cases of critical illness, and gift the next generation with a debt-free life.

2015 - 2022 : Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

2014 - 2021 : Honor Club Member

2019 - 2020 : Internation Quality Awardee

2018 - 2020 : Senior Financial Advisor

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