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Practical Ways to Deal with Working From Home

How can you make the most out of telecommute?

In light of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, we find ourselves in new daily routines that require some adjustment. One major change is the work from home set-up which comes with its own set of challenges. 

So how do we make the most of telecommute? 

  1. One of the best practices is to get into a positive headspace, that way you can think more clearly throughout the rest of the day.
  2. Create clear boundaries between work and recreation/relaxation. Set up a table in your room specifically for working. If you have the space for an entirely separate room, delineating a space between work and play is much easier.
  3. Organize your day around specific tasks, much like you would a normal workday, with regularly scheduled breaks.
  4. Harmony is vital for an efficient workspace. Make sure to include your family or roommates when mobilizing this setup so the arrangement is more conducive for working.
  5. Make good use of your breaks. Learn how to juggle downtime with home responsibilities or catch up on the news while still being able to submit deliverables on time.

Working from home may also be giving us less time to rest our minds. Since we’re basically merging our workplace and our place of rest, we may end up constantly worrying about work-related responsibilities on top of everything else. Take a breather and worry about things one at a time. Don’t forget to take care of yourself—as a precaution against the Coronavirus and other future risks.

Self-soothe by channeling productive emotions. Arrange for the unforeseen through future-proofing, which is the best way to be ready to face these challenges head-on. Plot your long term goals and secure your future and that of your loved ones by preparing financially. The best place to start? Try looking up an insurance plan that meets your financial goals and needs. That way, you can be prepared, whatever happens. 

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