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When it comes to growing and protecting your wealth, make WealthOne, the one.

Why should you get a Manulife WealthOne plan?

Manulife WealthOne provides you with life insurance protection and the opportunity to maximize the growth of your funds to secure yourself and your family. 
Receive a Guaranteed Start-up Bonus* of up to 1.5% of your single premium plus a Loyalty Bonus* for staying invested. 
Maximize your money’s growth potential and diversify your investments through various global and local funds available.


Enjoy insurance protection as high as 500% of your single premium, and the flexibility to boost your coverage through add-on benefits.*
Experience easy application without medical requirements if certain conditions are met.
*Terms and conditions apply. Start-up bonus is applicable for single premium of Php1M/USD25,000 and above and/or if any rider is attached.

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