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Life Insurance Plans for the Family start at P1,256/monthly*

Is your number 1 goal right now to make sure that your family can live a secure lifestyle should anything happen to you? Do you want to be a better provider for them? If yes, then you are a Family Milestone Maker!

Let us help you unlock this goal with life insurance plans that offer lifetime protection, fund growth from investment, cash rewards and bonuses with options to withdraw in case of emergency. 

*Amount may vary. Terms and conditions apply.

Choose from the selection of plans below to learn more or arrange for a no obligation chat with our financial advisor to get a quote.

We think this plan fits you best:
Yearly Renewable Term and ReAct5

Manulife Yearly Renewable Term and React5 insurance plans give you protection coverage that adapts to your specific needs. To know more, talk to a financial advisor today

Yearly Renewable Term and ReAct5

Savings & Retirement

Want a life insurance plan with investments? Give your life goals a boost with Manulife FutureBoost. Talk to a financial advisor to know more

Education Builder

Educational Insurance Plans are great investments for your children's future. Start saving for your child’s college tuition early with Manulifes Education Builder.

You can also try this out:
Seasons 100

Enjoy peace of mind with lifetime protection coverage and other benefits.


Discuss your goals with your financial advisor to get started! No financial advisor yet?

Fill out the form below to talk to a Financial Advisor for a plan that can help bring your goals to life. 

Discuss your goals with your financial advisor to get started! No financial advisor yet?

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