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Managing your insurance plan just got easier with cashless transactions

Maximize the convenience and efficiency of going cashless when paying for your insurance premium

Getting an insurance plan can sound intimidating but think of it as another way of being proactive when it comes to your future plans and your finances. That said, you need to be diligent in paying for the monthly premiums so that your insurance is always active.

Fortunately, with the rising popularity of cashless transactions that ensure accuracy, safety, and convenience, Manulife has made it easier to manage your insurance plans. 

Cashless transactions let users pay for almost anything in their own time and at their own convenience, including insurance premiums. This kind of convenience is important, especially for people who find it tedious to keep up with their bills.

  • Auto Debit Arrangement automatically debits your account on the payment debit date, so you don’t have to worry about the inconvenience of lining up at banks or payment centers
  • AutoPay Transaction helps lets you pay your premiums with your credit card, where payments are easy to track with your credit card statement

If you still prefer doing cash transactions, you can opt to pay your premiums where you usually pay for your bills such as banks and bayad centers. This eliminates the need to brave the traffic to get from one place to the other.

If you're on the tech-savvy side, online transactions will definitely help you in managing your insurance plan (and your other payments, too.)

  • Register and log on to Manulife Online to pay for your insurance premium
  • Use your mobile phone as a virtual wallet and pay for your insurance through the GCash app

Cashless transactions actually make it easier for anyone to manage their insurance plans and payments. As long as you maximize the convenience and efficiency of going cashless when paying for your insurance premium, then you're secured financially, whether in terms of retirement, health or even just the money you'll need to do whatever you want.


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