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Loving yourself means loving those around you

You can take care of your loved ones better when you have a plan

We show our affection for family, friends, and for special people in our lives by doing grand gestures – treating them out to special dinners, giving them gifts, and making sure they feel loved. It’s understandable, especially this love month. Spending money once in a while for your loved ones is perfectly fine. But being financially prepared for your own needs should also be in the equation. It's called planning for your future.

You give so much to others - make sure that you don’t forget yourself. It’s okay to think about your own needs and wants. With the right investment, you can achieve your personal goals in no time. There is a difference between selfishness and self-love. Loving yourself doesn't - and shouldn't – mean taking away your love for other people. It’s just a change in priority. So how can we invest in long-term self-love (not just seasonal)? The best way is by having an insurance plan.

  1. What can you get by having life insurance?
    Are you planning to get married? Or buy a house? Or investing for your child’s college education? When you sign up for life insurance, all these goals are possible to achieve.
  2. You can start planning for retirement
    At what age would you like to retire? In your 60’s, 50’s, 40’s, or perhaps sooner?  The earlier you sign up for insurance with investment plan, the earlier you can plan to retire. Ever heard of people who retire in their 30s? With a sound plan, you don’t need to work forever.
  3. You can pay your debts
    Dividends and payouts from your insurance plan can help you pay and manage your debts. You may not be able to get rid of it all in one go, but you can pay it off little by little.
  4. You can prepare for your health needs
    You can never tell when illness will strike you. So, it’s good to have ready funds for your health care needs because your savings may not be enough.
  5. A lifetime gift for our loved ones
    When you invest in a life insurance plan, you’re not just protecting yourself and what you’ve worked hard for - but you’re also protecting your family from financial worries. That’s definitely selfless love!

Loving yourself first means being able to look after your own needs so that you don’t burden the people around you. So, what are you waiting for? Love yourself and plan your best life! Talk to a Manulife Advisor today.

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