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Keep your eyes on the prize!

Top tips on how to stay committed to your financial goals.

The financial investments you make for yourself and your loved ones are like seeds you plant for your future. Whether it’s building your own home, starting a retirement fund, or getting life insurance with added benefits that could potentially grow your money, taking the necessary steps to protect the life you want for your family is a huge step toward financial security.

And just as tending to a garden requires commitment, maintaining the financial tools you set in place also requires dedication to ensure you get to enjoy their benefits. Below are top tips and strategies to help you stay on track with your financial goals as you continue your journey to make every day better for you and your family. 



1. Find the right spend-tracking tools

Tracking your spending is a powerful way to help identify areas where you can cut costs and allocate more funds to more important things. There are numerous financial tools and mobile apps available to help you track your spending and budget effectively. You can set spending limits, track expenses, and even receive alerts when you are approaching your budget limits. You can also use spreadsheets or the good old pen and notebook to monitor your finances regularly. 

2. Have an accountability partner

Staying committed to your financial goals can be challenging. With the proliferation of online shopping, promo fares, and food delivery services, it’s easy to get sidetracked from achieving your goals. Having an accountability partner, such as a trusted friend, family member, or even your Manulife financial advisor, can provide the motivation and support you need to stay on course. Regular check-ins with your accountability partner can help you stay motivated, provide encouragement when you face obstacles, and celebrate your financial wins together.

3. Pay yourself first

Many people fall into the trap of paying bills and expenses first, leaving little or nothing for savings. To overcome this, adopt the practice of “paying yourself first.” Treat your savings and emergency fund as non-negotiable “expenses” that are automatically deducted from your salary or source of income as soon as it reaches your bank account. By doing this, you’re not only prioritizing your financial goals, but you’re also allowing yourself to embrace delayed gratification. 

4. Keep your insurance policies paid and up to date

As an insurance policyowner, you have already taken a significant step toward securing your financial future. Your insurance policies are a critical component of your financial safety net. They provide protection and peace of mind in times of need, help you fund your retirement, or, if you have an insurance plan with investment benefits, another means to fund loftier goals like traveling—without sacrificing your savings. It goes without saying that it is essential to keep your insurance premiums up to date. Missing payments or letting policies lapse could leave you vulnerable and negate the financial commitment you have already made. To avoid this, consider enrolling your policy in autopay facilities or setting reminders a few days before your due date. 


Financial stability is a journey that requires discipline and dedication, but the rewards are worth it. By staying committed to your financial goals, you provide yourself and your loved ones with the financial security and protection to weather life’s storms. 

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