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Invest in yourself

Why the new decade is the perfect time to pursue your post-graduate studies 

As a new decade begins, you’re probably in the process of reassessing some of the decisions you’ve made in the past few years: chances have missed, or opportunities you let go of. Nonetheless, the choices you’ve made the past decade have, for better or worse, shaped you in some way.

Thankfully, there’s always room for improvement. Once you acknowledge this idea, you can then identify specific measures to help you better yourself. In doing so, you need to think long term and come up with future-proof plans. Ask yourself: What are my personal goals for the next ten years?

Regardless of what those goals might be, you’ll always find yourself at an advantage if you invest in something like higher learning. A master’s or doctoral degree can equip you with specialized knowledge (which can be immensely helpful in career advancement) while enrolling in a certificate program or taking a vocational course can help you improve your business skills should you decide to open a business one day.

The new decade might just be the perfect time to push through with these plans. If you agree with that, the first thing you need to do is to start building an education fund.

There are two ways to do this: You can choose to set up a separate savings account or avail of an investment plan. Both can help you slowly build up a fund, which will ensure that you’ll still have money set aside for your other expenses as you work towards your degree.

With the rising cost of education in the country, choosing the right investment plan to help you grow your savings is especially necessary if you want to build an education fund as early as now.

Invest in yourself in the new decade. Go ahead and do it for you. 

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