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Insurance: The love language no one seems to talk about

There are many creative ways to express love, but getting insured is both thoughtful and practical

There are so many ways to show someone that you care about them. You can go old school by treating them to their favorite restaurant or go the sentimental route by sending them handwritten notes. But if you think you’ve done these too many times, you can do something a little more outside the box by going for something more practical—like securing your loved ones’ future by getting yourself insured. Yes, it may sound a bit extreme, but giving someone the gift of financial security can be one of the most valuable things you can do for the people you care about. 

Thinking of your health needs

No matter how well you take care of your body, there is always a possibility of suddenly falling ill or getting into accidents. Though hospitalization can’t be avoided, what you can avoid is using up your savings, or getting deep into debt. With Manulife’s critical illness coverage, you and your family can worry less about the costs of dealing with life-threatening illnesses. 

Prep for your child’s college tuition

Raising a child is no easy feat. You probably know this already, especially if you’re planning to have one soon. It helps to make the right long-term decisions as early as now - by that, we mean planning ahead for your child’s education needs. The importance of an education insurance plan can’t be overstated; it’s one of the few ways to ensure that your children have a head start for the future.

Building up funds for a burden-free retirement

If you want to be self-sufficient and financially independent after retirement, and ensure that you can provide for your own needs, find an ideal retirement insurance plan that’s affordable enough to suit your budget now.

Life insurance is an essential part of life and important in long-term planning. Though getting insured might seem like something you’re doing for yourself, it is actually a practical way to show your loved ones that you care.

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