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A Boost Towards a Better Future with Manulife

by Ready2Adult PH

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, it served as a big eye-opener for many people. It was the kind of event that only happens once every 100 years, and it caught all of us by surprise.

Ever since I started Ready2Adult PH, one of the most important lessons that I’ve always advocated for is the importance of emergency preparedness. Part of being a responsible adult is being prepared for the unknown. I’ve been fortunate during the pandemic because I still managed to keep myself afloat despite the economic setbacks. I temporarily closed a couple of my businesses because they required mass gatherings and social events, which aren’t allowed. Fortunately, I had my emergency savings to fall back on and other sources of income to help pay the bills.

Crisis Management Made Easier

I won’t lie and say that I didn’t feel anxious or scared about everything. Even though I was in relatively good financial shape, I still worried about the future. I can only imagine what it must have been like for people who didn’t have enough emergency savings or lost all their income sources.

A crisis can strike at any moment without warning. That’s why I believe that the right time to start investing for the future is now. 

Securing a Better Tomorrow with FutureBoost

Manulife’s new FutureBoost is the perfect tool to help people secure their future while working hard to achieve their goals and dreams. It is an affordable and flexible life protection with investments designed to help people achieve security regardless of their life stage. It’s such a unique investment platform because of how flexible the coverage is. 

Not like other traditional insurance products

With FutureBoost, you don’t have to lock into a single plan for the rest of your life. That means you can start with more modest coverage and then adjust along the way as your financial standing and life goals change. Here, you can also diversify your portfolio because its investment component can give you access to different investment local and global funds that can also grow your money.

More bonuses, more fun!

What’s better than securing life protection? Getting rewards, too! With Manulife FutureBoost, you can enjoy rewards and value-added bonuses that help you grow your money while being protected for life.

● A premium bonus equivalent to 5% of basic premiums, if paid on time

● A premium extension bonus that is equivalent to 2% of the basic premiums, if you choose to add to your funds beyond your selected payment term

● An annual loyalty bonus that equals to 0.5% or 0.75% of account values every year, starting at the end of their 10th year

Designed with everyone in mind

This is the best part of FutureBoost! Customers may choose depending on their budgets and goals. I would have been able to avail myself of the protection that FutureBoost provides at the start of my career. But even now that I have a relatively stable job, FutureBoost is still a very compelling protection plan for me. I know that with valuable solutions like Manulife’s FutureBoost, I can still pursue my dreams and goals without having to worry about my future. 

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