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Stay-at-home life hacks: The Dad Edition

How are work-from and stay-at-home dads doing?


Since the pandemic began, we’ve been seeing how students, professionals, and working moms have been faring in keeping work-life balance in check. But how are work-from and stay-at-home dads doing?

With the pandemic restrictions affecting everyone’s work setup, most working dads have found themselves maneuvering the work-from-home situation, too. Dads without extra help or assistance at home may find themselves having to juggle extra tasks like shared chores with their partner, helping out with their children’s homework, and managing their own schedule.

Here’s a checklist to keep in mind when things become a little overwhelming!

  1. Discuss matters with the whole household. With everyone navigating their different activities at home, dads should set aside time to check up on everyone more often, or initiate quality time when they feel that everyone could use a time out together. Do it over snacks or a pizza night so everyone can kick back and relax at the same time.
  2. Maintain a schedule. If you’ve gotten used to having someone manage your time at the office or just managing your work calendar, chances are there are big changes that have happened since you started working from home. Explore new time management tools specifically to include all your other tasks and chores so that you learn something new while improving your work, business, or personal productivity.
  3.  Of course, dads need self-care, too. Setting aside me-time for yourself lets you reset and relax. Use this time to pamper yourself, meditate, or unplug from your devices. You deserve it!
  4. Make chores fun for everyone. Housework has probably become part of your everyday routine, so why not liven it up? Try incorporating it into your work routine, or gamify it with small rewards for the kids. You can also look up housework hacks online to discover new tips and tricks.
  5. Invest in your well-being. Now is the perfect time to check in with yourself and evaluate your overall health. Schedule that doctor’s appointment, reevaluate your finances, and see if your current investments are still working out for you and your family. Use this time to do some planning or to plant seeds for the future. Look into insurance plans that cover the whole family, there are also life insurance plans that can double as investment options.

At the end of it all, peace of mind is priceless—knowing that you and your whole family are secure will do wonders for your overall well-being. Talk to a Manulife Insurance Advisor today to learn more. 

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